APN settings about GPS tracker
Here we list the APN information of common SIM cards in Mexico and Canada.
1. First, please cancel the PIN code of the SIM card and turn off the voicemail;
2. Then, send the instruction to set the APN to the phone number of the device through the text message of the mobile phone.
(1)For Mexico:
If you use a TECEL SIM card in the tracker:
apn123456 internet.itelcel.com
apnuser123456 webgprs
apnpasswd123456 webgprs2002
For 2G GPS device, please don't use "ATT,Movistar" SIM card, because this card does not support 2G network and is not suitable for 2G GPS tracker.
MX cost-effective GPS equipment-recommendation:
①2G-TK905: https://www.amazon.com.mx/Rastreador-Impermeable-Localizadores-Anti-robo-Velolocidad/dp/B07RDVML7Q/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_es_MX=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD %C3%95%C3%91&keywords=Rastreador%2BGPS&qid=1651802567&sr=8-2&th=1
②4G-TK905: (Global coverage, unlimited tracking range)
https://www.amazon.com.mx/Rastreador-Antirrobo-Localizador-Anti-Robo-Velocidad/dp/B09CGPFSRB/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_es_MX=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95 %C3%91&keywords=4G+Rastreador+GPS&qid=1651803057&sr=8-2
(2)For Canada: It is recommended to purchase a 4G device to use
If you use a Rogers SIM card:
apn123456 internet.com
apnuser123456 wapuser1
apnpasswd123456 wap
If you use a Fido SIM card:
apn123456 internet.fido.ca
apnuser123456 fido
apnpasswd123456 fido
If you use Chatr SIM card:
apn123456 chatrweb.apn
If you use Telus SIM card:
apn123456 sp.telus.com.
If you use a Virgin SIM card:
apn123456 web.wireless.bell.ca
apnuser123456 wapuser1
apnpasswd123456 wap
CA cost-effective GPS equipment-recommendation:
https://www.amazon.ca/Tracker-Locator-Powerful-Geo-Fence-TK905/dp/B09HH4SMSY/ref=sr_1_5?crid=DJ6TD6TG3WH4&keywords=4g+gps+tracker&qid=1651802791&sprefix=4G+GPS+%2Caps%2C624&sr= 8-5
②4G-TK916(with sim card):
https://www.amazon.ca/Tracker-Locator-Powerful-Geo-Fence-TK905/dp/B09NXWWLVG/ref=sr_1_5?crid=DJ6TD6TG3WH4&keywords=4g%2Bgps%2Btracker&qid=1651802791&sprefix=4G%2BGPS%2B%2Caps% 2C624&sr=8-5&th=1
Customer Service Support:
WhatsApp: +8618874864557
Email: ammi@cnhanguang.cn
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tkmars.gps.tracker/